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Tanasbourne Dental Care September 2022 Newsletter
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Our mission is to serve our patients by providing the highest quality care. We want to assist each patient to achieve optimal dental health through comfort, function, and appearance. We love your questions. To as us a question click to "Submit Question" link below.
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I Received Veneers, But My Restoration Is Becoming Stained?
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Have you ever imagined that your new dental restoration could eventually get stained? Just because dental restorations are likely to become stained doesn't necessarily mean that they will. Whether or not your veneers will become discolored depends on the material a dentist uses and your habit of consuming stain-causing foods and beverages. So why are your veneers stained, anyway?

First, you need to know the material that was used in the installation. It is likely that the dentist who installed the veneers explained to you the options available. There are porcelain veneers and resin veneers. During your consultation, you should have talked about these options and the pros and cons of each.

If you received porcelain veneers, you should realize that these restorations can resist stains better than resin. If your porcelain veneers are staining, it might be because you have not done enough to prevent them from staining. Porcelain restorations are likely to develop stains if you happen to cause the outer glaze to wear or get damaged. Things such as highly abrasive toothpaste, alcoholic beverages, acidic food and beverages, or brushing your teeth firmly may wear down the restoration's glaze, leading to staining. Additionally, eating hard candies, using your teeth as tools to bite open things, and smoking can cause damage, which increases the risk of stain development.

As for the resin veneers, they tend to stain easier than porcelain. As such if you have the habit of consuming stain-causing foods or beverages you may end up staining the restorations. Smoking can also stain resin veneers.

Talk to us if your veneers are stained. We will try to offer you solutions.

Here Is Cavity Prevention Advice For Anyone
Sometimes you may feel a little lazy such that you opt to skip out on routine care of your oral health. Although it may not seem like a big deal, if you regularly skip daily dental hygiene, it can result in serious repercussions on not only your oral health, but your overall wellbeing. Cavities and decay can sneak in and increase the likelihood of having a serious illness or even developing chronic health conditions.

To prevent cavities, you should brush your teeth twice a day, and floss once per day. Use fluoride toothpaste or fluoride mouthwash daily. Remember to schedule visits to a dentist for prophylactic cleanings as well as exams. Ask the dentist to paint sealants over the teeth to prevent cavities, and drink tap water since it is likely that it has fluoride. Remember to eat a healthy diet that promotes healthy teeth.

Come talk to us about cavities and we will answer any concerns or questions you have.

My Gums Are Hurting After Getting Dental Implants!
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It is normal to have soreness when you receive dental implants, especially after the numbing agent or anesthesia wears off. The soreness may continue for a day or so. However, the soreness should dissipate day after day until it ends. The level of pain mostly depends on the complexity of the procedures. If, for instance, you had bone grafting, the pain you experience may be more.

For persistent gum soreness that lasts more than seven days after an implant procedure, you need to contact our office. However, if the pain reduces after three or so days and increases again after five or so days, and then reduces again thereafter, there may be no concern. Although rare, this kind of change in pain happens. Always watch out for any swelling in the face around the region where the procedure was performed.

Find out more about dental implants and the recovery process from our team.

Our mission is to serve our patients by providing the highest quality care. We want to assist each patient to achieve optimal dental health through comfort, function, and appearance. We love your questions. To as us a question click to "Submit Question" link below.

Tanasbourne Dental Care | tanasbournedentalcare.com | 503-690-9536
2471 NW 185th Ave, Hillsboro, OR 97124-7077



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