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Tanasbourne Dental Care September 2023 Newsletter
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Our mission is to serve our patients by providing the highest quality care. We want to assist each patient to achieve optimal dental health through comfort, function, and appearance. We love your questions. To as us a question click to "Submit Question" link below.
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I Have Been Using Dentures; Can I Have Them Turned Into Implants?
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If you have been using dentures for a while, you probably have faced challenges as time goes by. Dentures, at times, can be annoying, and this might cause you to want to know if you can convert yours into implants for more stable teeth.

You can use your dentures as implants, but because implants involve the insertion of a titanium post into the bone that lies under the jaw, a dentist might as well consider new ones.

Some key factors will help decide if your denture can still work for you after implants. The condition of your jaw and gums is the first to be put into consideration. Their condition determines if you will continue with your dentures or if you will need new dentures. The position where the implants are fitted may not favor your dentures to be converted, creating the need for a new set.

Your dentures will be checked if they are still in good condition. If they are not, then you will need new ones. If for some reason, you would like a change in appearance, you may need new dentures to match the appearance and smile you desire.

Implants will make your denture feel more stable and comfortable. You will have an easier time chewing and speaking.

However, the evaluation of your oral health and your goals may necessitate another set. Our dentist will advise you appropriately on your next course of action after a detailed assessment.

Is Invisalign Painful?
There are times throughout your Invisalign treatment where you may have pain and discomfort. When you receive your first aligner trays, there could be some discomfort because the teeth are beginning to shift and it is something you aren't used to. Also, because Invisalign requires you to start new trays approximately every two weeks, it is likely that you will have mild pain and discomfort in the first few days of each cycle of new aligners. The intensity also varies from one patient to another. Many people describe the pain from Invisalign clear aligners as just pressure or discomfort as the teeth are moving into their new positions. As you get accustomed to putting on the trays, the symptoms will get less pronounced. Talk to us about Invisalign and our dentist will provide the information you need.

I Have Completed My Braces Treatment, Will I Need Retainers?
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Wearing retainers is paramount after having had braces. Even after your braces are removed, a lot still needs to be done to lock your teeth in their new position permanently. The newly aligned teeth can shift to previously undesired positions when left alone, without holding them to their current desirable position. It is for this reason that a dentist will suggest that you get retainers that are fitted to secure the teeth to their current aligned position. It is, therefore, important that besides wearing your retainers as recommended by our dentist, you keep up with regular appointments after your braces are removed.

Our mission is to serve our patients by providing the highest quality care. We want to assist each patient to achieve optimal dental health through comfort, function, and appearance. We love your questions. To as us a question click to "Submit Question" link below.

Tanasbourne Dental Care | tanasbournedentalcare.com | 503-690-9536
2471 NW 185th Ave, Hillsboro, OR 97124-7077



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